Monday 3 August 2009


I have already mentioned the difficulties I have been having with lost hikers. They are a nuisance and a danger, wondering aimlessly around in a daze but their shrill complaints has not fallen on deaf ears.
I after some experimentation, I had had manufactured very slick and visible markers printed on metal plates which I hoped would be permanent, effective and very smart too.
So Anne and I did the trail with her leading, and if she hesitated at any spot we put a marker. If this was not sufficient I had Howard my chummy who gets lost on the way to his own house if he doesn’t have a GPS, do the trail as the leader and again put a marker where he got confused.
I felt now wholly confident that even the dullest would find the path with great ease.
Well Howard left his camera on the trail and I had to go and get it the next evening, and thank god I did because as I was sitting at a view point enjoying a nice smoke in the setting sun I spied a couple of eejits humping bags along the firebreak!!!! Obviously completely lost.
I was outraged; this was a blatant insult to my efforts not to mention those of my partner and partner.
I stormed down to them demanding to know how they had gone astray, they were scratched to hell and back and the woman was on the point of collapse.
She had followed her man blindly as they missed the path and rather than backtracking a bit and finding it again he just went hell bent up the mountain. Started wondering around as lost as a fart in a thunder storm, in no particular direction going in the opposite direction to any common sense.
I loaded her bag onto the bike; he insisted that he needed, as a man, you understand, to hump on with it.
I pointed them in the right direction, dumped her bag at the camp, fed the fish and the cows and other sundown stuff and thought I would just go and yell at them a second time as I was passing the camp and saw that they had as yet not arrived, not good. It was nearly dark and the thought of these two wandering around the place falling off things was not a happy one.
Well I found them and shouted at them the entire way back.
The funny thing is though, they were absolutely enchanted about everything, it was their 7th anniversary and nothing was going to bring them down, they liked being lost together, there is a lesson to be learnt in there somewhere.